Taiwan Milk Mochi Recipe / 台湾鲜奶麻糬食谱

Always wanted to try Taiwan's milk Mochi after watching the night market video. The recipe was easy to follow!

You may click this link to Food Mugger's channel for full making process:
Click here to full video of Milk Mochi Making Process

Step 1: Milk (I used about 3/4 of the ceramic mug we usually have at home)
Step 2: Add around 2-3 tablespoon of tapioca flour and 1-2 tablespoon of sugar
Step 3: Turn on small heat
Step 4: Constantly stirring it
Step 5: Turn off the heat once it thickened
*if you do not want to add any powder, you can add more sugar so it will be like milk pudding!

1. 3/4 杯的鲜奶 (我用的是家里常见到的陶瓷杯)
2. 加入2-3汤匙的薯粉和1-2汤匙的糖
3. 开小火
4. 持续搅拌
5. 浓稠后关火

I wanted to try it with Oreo powder, but I do not have one at home. Still good with peanut powder. The texture was very unique and soft, it melts in your mouth almost immediately, almost like you are drinking the milk. I think I will still prefer traditional Mua Chee as I prefer the chewier texture. But overall still worth trying!


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